OurTechFriend.com has quality web development leads, WordPress leads, and other coding, programming, and development leads that have been aggregated from WPQuestions.org, WordPressQuestions.com, NetworkForLeads.com, HireADeveloper.org, and especially from our email marketing team!
One of the most effective lead generating tools when used correctly is Google Adwords. You can generate sales, get prospects, boost website traffic and much more with Google Adwords. In order to be able to take advantage of all that Google Adwords offers, you must know what the different tools in the Adwords box can do and how to use them. This video goes over tracking tools and some conversion tools.
OurTechFriend.com knows freelance developers and SEO experts have to stay relevant in their field and that learning new platforms can be a hassle and seem time consuming. This video explains a few tracking tools and conversion tools quickly and in a manner that is easy to understand. OurTechFriend.com doesn't just provide freelancers with leads, but wants to be the sharpest tool in the shed for the freelancer community! Check out our resource center and learn some more tips and tricks to keep your skill cutting edge.