Let’s talk about what prospects want to talk about.
No one listens to voicemails that sound like telemarketers, people will automatically write you off if you sound like one over the phone as well or even in email.
If you answer yes to any of the below questions, chances are, you can be coming off like you’re trying to sell them something instead of helping them.
If you answer yes to any of the below questions, chances are, you can be coming off like you’re trying to sell them something instead of helping them.
- Do you introduce your company instead of yourself?
- Do you talk about your background and history before you allow the customer talk about what they need and ask you about your companies history?
- Is what you are saying routine and not specific to their request?
Even if you are a salesperson, they shouldn’t feel like they are being sold to or even know it!
Calls should feel personable and focus on their issues, not all of your companies services. A good sales person knows how to sell their services within giving the prospect a solution to their problem. Keep in mind also, that prospects do not want to think they are given endless referrals, or sent down multiple funnels before they can even talk about what they need.
Calls should feel personable and focus on their issues, not all of your companies services. A good sales person knows how to sell their services within giving the prospect a solution to their problem. Keep in mind also, that prospects do not want to think they are given endless referrals, or sent down multiple funnels before they can even talk about what they need.
Always get the prospect talking first, let the prospect ask you questions about your company. Your first goal with every lead is making contact, the second is engaging which is when we then want to discuss how we can be of value.
How can you be of value?
With our leads it’s simple. Reply to the request. SO MANY developers send the same template response to every lead and wonder why they do not get a response back. A template response is EXACTLY what they prospect does NOT want.
With our leads it’s simple. Reply to the request. SO MANY developers send the same template response to every lead and wonder why they do not get a response back. A template response is EXACTLY what they prospect does NOT want.
A simple response like ” Hey, I see you need help with __________, I can help you by _____________. Please let me know when we can further discuss.”
Always end your simple email with requesting a response.
Always end your simple email with requesting a response.