OurTechFriend.com has quality web development leads, WordPress leads, and other coding, programming, and development leads that have been aggregated from WPQuestions.org, WordPressQuestions.com, NetworkForLeads.com, HireADeveloper.org, and especially from our email marketing team!
Buy web design leads that come with a client guarantee from OurTechFriend.com
Getting web design leads can be hard if you are solely focused on the quality of your work. If you are a serious web developer or programmer you know the importance of staying relevant. How many people have enough time in the day to stay relevant on their coding and on the cyber world. It's very timely to keep a competitive online presence to attract quality web design clients, and complete the assigned projects while watching the latest tutorial to keep your skills up to date.
It's impossible for one developer to do everything. You either need to hire an SEO expert to draw in the traffic, a telemarketer to filter through prospects, and a salesperson to close. Costly! OurTechFriend.com offers new solution for any web developer or web designer looking to get quality clients. We offer client guaranteed packages, you are guaranteed a client from your one time package purchase.
How does it work? You buy as many clients as you'd like. After your purchase you will get access to the lead portal according to the amount of clients you've purchased. You grab your leads, reach out to them, and if you do not close your prospect, return the lead for a brand new one! No extra charge, it's just like having your own personal lead generation team.