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Word of mouth marketing will get you the highest conversions by far, it may take a while but once you get going you will see people who visited your site because of word of mouth marketing are more engaging and almost all the time, end in a conversion.
Marketing is all about building reputation, trust, and brand awareness. When you are marketing your goal is to convert your audience. That means we are spending time on finding people who are already interested in their product, and not convincing people to buy your product. After you target people whom are already wanting your product the next step is figuring out how to get them to go with your product versus your competitor.
That is where word of mouth comes into play. Anyone that is talking about your brand is bring brand awareness and depending on what they are saying about your brand they are either building you up a good reputation or giving your company a bad wrap. Depending on what the vibe was that they sent out about your company to their friend, their friend will either build trust and they will sooner or later become a customer themselves, or it will astray their friend from ever using your company.
So now let’s watch this cool video from ourtechfriend.com on tips to do effective word of mouth campaigns.