OurTechFriend.com has quality web development leads, WordPress leads, and other coding, programming, and development leads that have been aggregated from WPQuestions.org, WordPressQuestions.com, NetworkForLeads.com, HireADeveloper.org, and especially from our email marketing team!
In today’s video blog we discuss the main difference between OurTechFriend.com web design leads and SEO leads and other lead providers. There are 3 main ways in which OurTechFriend.com differs form the traditional web design leads and SEO lead providers.
Our Lead Portal : we allow you to view our leads live 24/7 at clients.ourtechfriend.com and you get to decide which leads you want.
How we aggregate leads from NetworkForLeads.com : we get leads from this free lead sharing platform. Not to worry, the leads we get from NetworkForLeads.com never go live, they go straight into our portal if they are valued over $1,500.
Our client packages : We sell clients, not just leads. You get access to our portal according to your package until you close the amount of leads you purchased.