Get web development and SEO clients immediately! isn't just about selling web development and SEO leads, we also want to be a service that helps developers and experts in general increase their income. values the importance of freelancers and do what we can to help freelance meet their potential income. Below are some quick things to remember that can significantly increase your client retention: Make yourself easily reachable - we all know how frustrating it can be trying to connect with our service providers, set yourself apart from the rest by being easy for your clients to reach and contact you.

Be sure to be creating value for your client - all to easy is it to overcharge when being a service provider, remember to keep the clients best interest at hand and you can't go wrong. If you are sure to give your client a fair price you increase your chances of a return client and more work significantly.
Give straight forward answers - be upfront and honest, then the rest will work itself out. Everyone wants to work with someone who is upfront and honest, nothing scares business away more than a surprise bill or unclear explanations.


Try remembering these 3 tips and see if you don't have happier and more clients!

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